Berardius bairdii
Stejneger, 1883
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Stejneger L.
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Contributions to the history of the Commander Islands. No. 1. Notes on the natural history, including descriptions of new cetaceans. Proceedings of the United States National Museum, 6:58-89.
原始信息: |
Stejneger L. 1883. Contributions to the history of the Commander Islands. No. 1. Notes on the natural history, including descriptions of new cetaceans. Proceedings of the United States National Museum, 6:58-89.
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Malm AW,
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Skelettdelar af hval insamlade under expeditionen med Vega 1878-1880. Bihang Till Kungliga Svenska Vetenskapsakademiens Handlingar, 8(4): 1-114.
原始信息: |
Malm AW, 1883. Skelettdelar af hval insamlade under expeditionen med Vega 1878-1880. Bihang Till Kungliga Svenska Vetenskapsakademiens Handlingar, 8(4): 1-114.
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Omura H, Fujino K, Kimura S.
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Beaked whale Berardius bairdi of Japan with notes on Ziphius cavirostris. The Scientific Reports of the Whales Research Institute, 10: 89-132.
原始信息: |
Omura H, Fujino K, Kimura S. 1955. Beaked whale Berardius bairdi of Japan with notes on Ziphius cavirostris. The Scientific Reports of the Whales Research Institute, 10: 89-132.
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Hershkovitz P.
年代: |
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Catalog of living whales, Bulletin of the United States National Museum, 246: 1-259.
原始信息: |
Hershkovitz P. 1966. Catalog of living whales, Bulletin of the United States National Museum, 246: 1-259.
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